Tuesday, January 1, 2013

30 Under 30 - The Future Of Energy Is Nuclear


Welcome to the second-annual Forbes 30 Under 30 list of rising stars in the energy sector. Please check out the slideshow to see pics and bios of this year’s bunch.
In looking over this year’s list and trying to see what themes emerged, a few things stood out.
First of all, old-school fossil fuel companies have virtually no representation on this list. That’s not because they don’t have talented young people working for them. But it’s harder for them to stand out, and many big, Borg-like enterprises are not enthusiastic about identifying them. (Prove me wrong Big Oil. Let’s identify the crop of young engineers who will lead the future.)
Second, the people who did make the list are primarily this: nerds who love science and are not only driven to solve problems but who also possess the entrepreneurial spirit to turn their inventions into companies or nonprofits.
Third, taken as a whole, if we were to apply all the ideas of these inventors, academics and entrepreneurs to the global energy grid, we could save oceans of fossil fuels and prevent mountains of carbon from entering the atmosphere.
Some examples:
Yaniv Scherson of Stanford has invented and installed a system that creates electricity from sewage by capturing ammonia from sewage treatment plants, converting it to nitrous oxide, then burning it to generate power.
Priyanka Bakaya, with PK Clean, is perfecting a technology that can glean 4 barrels of diesel fuel out of each ton of plastic trash.
Gene Berdichevsky at Sila Nanotechnologies is figuring out how to get more energy out of lithium-ion batteries. While Qichao Hu of SolidEnergy Systems is working on polymer ionic liquid lithium metal batteries that will be safer, smaller and hold more energy than lithium ion.
With his colleagues from Northwestern University, Chris Wilmer has invented an algorithm that has already been used to discover and synthesize new porous materials that have been shown to store more natural gas in small spaces than any other material. Vital for devising long-range natural gas-powered vehicles.
In solar power, Eden Full, with Roseicollis Technologies, is deploying her SunSaluter solar-tracking system in Africa. While Patrick Walsh has devised a solar-recharged LED light that he’s distributing to poor families in India to help replace smoky kerosene lamps. Manuel Weichers Banuet has installed small solar-charged batteries on the homes of more than 1,000 poor families in Mexico — providing a reliable source of light at night. Daniel Schnitzer with EarthSpark International is doing something similar in impoverished Haiti.
Then there’s the nuclear engineers. Nuclear power is, of course, the world’s only large-scale source of reliable baseload power generation that emits zero greenhouse gases. The lingering drawback is that it creates nuclear waste, and, with older reactor designs there’s a small, but material, risk of a catastrophic meltdown.
Several of this year’s 30 are working to revolutionize nuclear power. Taylor Wilson built his first working nuclear reactor at age 14, is the recipient of a Thiel Fellowship, was the subject of this longread and is having a movie made about him.
Then there’s Leslie Dewan and Mark Massie, MIT Phd candidates and co-founders of TransAtomic Power, have a plan for a reactor design that if rolled out nationwide could have the potential to power the entire country for 100 years and run on our existing mountain of nuclear waste. They call it the Waste Annihilating Molten Salt Reactor (WAMSR). Instead of solid uranium fuel rods used in common light water reactors, the core of the WAMSR will contain liquid fuel — predominantly consisting of “spent” fuel rods from old reactors dissolved in a salt solution. “Nuclear waste is not really waste at all. It still has a tremendous amount of energy in it,” says Dewan.
In fact those old fuel rods still contain 95% of their radioactive energy, meaning that by Dewan’s calculations America’s stockpile of nuke “waste” could power the whole country for 100 years. What’s particularly appealing about the WAMSR concept is that the reactor has a passive failsafe system, meaning it could never suffer a meltdown. How it works: At the bottom of the vessel containing the churning molten salt reactor core is a “freeze valve” where a plug of the same salt is electrically cooled into a soild plug, like a bathtub stopped. If a disaster were to knock out electricity to the plant, the plug would quickly melt causing the reactor solution to pour out into a non-critical configuration that would cool into a solid over a few days. With no risk of meltdown, no carbon emissions, and powered by nuclear waste, Dewan and Massie’s design could change the world. They hope to have a pilot plant built by the end of the decade. (Plus, they’re exceptionally charismatic and well spoken: check out their captivating TED talk here and Leslie Dewan’s new interview with Forbes here.)
Nuclear engineer Robert Petroski is helping to advance a similar objective at TerraPower, a company launched by Nathan Myhrvold’s Intellectual Ventures company and backed by Bill Gates. TerraPower aims to build something called the Traveling Wave Reactor — which would start off being fueled by a dose of low-enriched uranium, to which additions of depleted uranium (useless in today’s reactors) would occasionally be made. According to the company: “A TWR can sustain a fission chain reaction given only non-fissile fuel such as depleted uranium because it sets up a slow-moving wave in which neutrons produced by fission reactions in the power-producing region convert adjacent fuel from fertile isotopes (such as U-238) into fissile isotopes (such as Pu-239).”
Petroski has worked at TerraPower since its formation in 2007. Since earning his Phd at age 25, he has been one of the principal designers of the reactor’s core. TerraPower’s CEO John Gilleland has said the TWR “can represent a nearly infinite supply of low cost energy – carbon free energy – for the world”
It might take some time, but given TerraPower’s big backers, we can hope that the TWR will be built — if not in the U.S. then in China.
Speaking of China, I’m sure there are plenty of promising young engineers in China, India, Germany, Brazil, Australia, and all over the world looking to solve the world’s energy problems. Naturally, as broad a net as I and my Forbes colleague Todd Woody cast in looking for nominees, I’m sure we’ve overlooked some precocious superstars out there. If you know of any (or are one), please leave a comment below with your nominations for next year’s 30 Under 30. And if they’ll be too old by then, then let us know anyways — we’re always looking for fascinating people and head-scratching breakthroughs to write about on Forbes.com.

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